Clonidine compounding errors

Websize Practice Alert image 2

PDL is aware of multiple instances where a pharmacist has not realised a prescription needs to be compounded. This may be due to misinterpretation of the prescriber’s intentions or assumption that the strength prescribed is an error and a proprietary product is supplied instead of the item ordered.  Vigilance is always required when dispensing all […]

Frequent flyers

PA Frequent Flyers

There are certain medications that appear in notifications to PDL frequently. While some of these medications are considered low risk and have less potential for harm, it is important for pharmacists to remain vigilant when checking all prescriptions. Here are some examples of medications that have recently seen an increase in reports to PDL. Ozempic […]

Be alert but not alarmed

a. Be alert but not alarmed

It is not surprising that approximately 60% of reports to PDL involve dispensing errors. The PDL Professional Officers collate these reports and identify the sub-categories of dispensing error. The two most frequent error types reported are: Wrong drug supplied Wrong strength supplied of the prescribed drug   Causes of these errors include: Incorrect data entry of […]