NSW/ACT UTI trial update

NSW ACT UTI trial update 2

The NSW Government-sponsored clinical trial for the management of urinary tract infections (UTIs) by community pharmacists was expanded on 31 July 2023 to include more than 1000 pharmacies following the successful completion of the feasibility study. The ACT has now joined the trial with five ACT pharmacies participating. The trial aims to evaluate the implementation […]

WA Urinary Tract Infection service

Practice Alert WA urinary tract infection website image

On 4 August 2023, the WA Government announced the implementation of treatment of urinary tract infection (UTIs) by pharmacists. WA Health has issued a Structured Administration and Supply Arrangement (SASA) that authorises trained pharmacists working in community pharmacy to supply antibiotics for the treatment of urinary tract infections in eligible women aged between 18 and […]

My Health Record insights from Meridian Lawyers

My Health Record insights from Meridian Lawyers website image

PDL Professional Officers occasionally receive incident reports and notifications relating to breaches or concerns regarding access to a patient’s My Health Record. Some of these cases require responses to the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) and/or the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). PDL is grateful to Meridian Lawyers for preparing the following article […]

Applications open for the 2023 Student Grant Program

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PDL is pleased to announce the opening of the 2023 Student Grant Program, with applications open until the end of August. The grants program was established in 2020 to help Australian pharmacy students attend a conference or event of their choosing, to further their interest in the wider profession. The funds contribute to event registration, […]

Recognising when a pharmacist needs support

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PDL Professional Officers continue to receive enquiries and incident reports that have contributing factors such as pressure, stress, workload or fatigue. PDL recognises the high demands placed on community and hospital pharmacists including interns, pharmacy owners and other staff members have not eased. The ongoing staffing challenge is impacting pharmacists in the community and hospital […]

Changes to SafeScript Victoria

Changes to SafeScript Victoria website image 1

PDL would like to bring the upcoming changes to SafeScript to the attention of Victorian pharmacists. Effective from 3 July 2023, pregabalin, gabapentin and tramadol will be added to the list of medicines monitored in SafeScript. This means you must take all reasonable steps to check the records and information in SafeScript on each occasion […]

Resource for guidance on the ODT reform

Resource for guidance on the ODT reform website image

The Pharmacy Stakeholder Forum is a joint initiative between the Pharmacy Council of NSW, NSW Health and other pharmacy organisations representing most NSW pharmacists. You may have seen the Forum communique sent to PDL members in October 2022. As mentioned in the communique, the purpose of the Forum is to: • monitor regulatory issues that […]

Protecting patient privacy

Protecting patient privacy website image

Pharmacists are in a unique position of trust. That trust requires pharmacists to respect and protect the privacy of those under their care. Patient information must always be managed with sensitivity and should only be shared with those who have a legitimate right to access. This may include other health care professionals or a person […]

The art of saying sorry

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Meridian Lawyers issue state and territory-specific guides It’s OK to say sorry. Pharmacists are human beings and fallible, so despite their best efforts, adverse events and mistakes can still occur. A key component of managing an incident is offering a sincere apology when an incident occurs. When dealing with an incident or complaint, no matter […]

The real impact of 60-day dispensing

The real impact of 60 day dispensing website image

PDL supports the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s efforts in urging the Federal Government to consult with pharmacy on the real impact of 60-day dispensing. Citing the recently published independent report commissioned by the Pharmacy Guild of Australia on the economic analysis of extending maximum dispensing quantity from 30 to 60 days for 325 PBS listed […]